jeudi 7 mai 2009

April 21st, Day 1 Bath

During the first day of our trip, we stopped in Bath and visited the Roman Bath in the afternoon. When we arrived in the building, we could notice the ceiling was in Georgian style as the guide had told us earlier in the morning while visiting the town on foot.

At the beginning of the visit we had the choice between listening to the commentaries in French or English on the audioguides. The pupils chose the French version, contrary to the teachers.
Then, we visited the baths during one hour and a half. There were statues of famous Roman people. We had to walk around the main bath which was on the lower floor. Inside the building, we could see a model of the whole baths.

There were also pieces of antique baths, which were missing and found later by archeologists. These baths were built in order to have a good time and were used to curing lepers. At last, we could look at a wonderful bath where we could throw money to fulfil a wish. It's supposed to bring good luck.

Today, people from all the world come to Bath to visit these Roman remains. That's why the city's name is Bath.
We enjoyed this visit because it is interesting for History, and the weather was beautiful, so it was pleasant to wander around this outdoor site.
by Axelle, Charlotte and Maurane

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